Architect Rick Goldstein is a principal of Atlanta-based MOSAIC Group [Architects and Remodelers].
- When and why did you choose this career? I knew from a very young age that I wanted to be an architect. While in architecture school, we had a visiting professor who introduced us to design/build where we constructed a very elaborate structure in a collaborative environment of something we designed. I caught the bug and have never looked back.
- What is some good advice you have received in your career? While in college I worked for an architect that designed hotel casinos. He called me in his office one morning: “Goldstein, get in here! See this.” It was a resume and cover letter. “Look at how my name is misspelled,” he shouted. He then hastily crumbled the papers into a ball and threw them out the door. “This is what happens to a resume with a misspelling,” he said. “Remember that for the rest of your career. Now get out of here!” Lesson learned.
- Who or what motivates you every day? I’m a very self-motivated person. What motivates me professionally are interesting and challenging design problems, quality craftsmanship, building long-term client relationships and mastering the delicate balance between work and family life.
- What’s the number one item on your bucket list? Having gone rock climbing, spelunking, rappelling, sailing, scuba diving and most recently taking a motorcycle trip across the southwest, one of the next items on my list is hang-gliding. The idea of floating high in the air like an eagle seems very appealing to me. I have not yet fully gathered the courage, but I am working my way toward it with baby steps.