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Home Insulation Leads to Reduced Pollution Levels

By March 11, 2013No Comments
Properly insulated homes would significantly reduce the release of these pollutants into the atmosphere: Sulfur Oxide, Nitrous Oxide and Fine Particulate Matter.
In the United States there are at least 45 million homes (65 percent) that lack the proper levels of insulation, according to today’s energy standards.
An additional 1.2 million new single-homes are built each year, but varying energy codes in each region mean that many of these will not be insulated to the internationally accepted minimum standard — International Energy Conservation Code (IECC).
With every BTU of energy produced, harmful gases such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Nitrous Oxide (NOx), and Sulfur Oxide (SOx) are released into the air, causing pollution in our communities.
A well-insulated home, particularly one that is insulated with fiber glass, rock wool or slag wool insulation, reduces the amount of energy required to maintain a comfortable living/working environment.
Reducing energy consumption means power plants burn less fossil fuel to produce the energy, and the result is a reduction in polluting gases emitted into our communities.
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