Make a Statement With Your Deck Blog Make a Statement With Your Deck Think about form and function when you're planning to construct a new deck. How will…MOSAIC Design + BuildMarch 18, 2016
Water-Saving Tips: Bathroom Blog Water-Saving Tips: Bathroom It is always important to think about water conservation, but especially as we enter into…MOSAIC Design + BuildMarch 8, 2016
2016 Kitchen Remodeling Trends Blog 2016 Kitchen Remodeling Trends Kitchen design trends come and go, with some gaining widespread appeal and others with more…MOSAIC Design + BuildMarch 3, 2016
Three Things to Consider When Adding a Pool Blog Three Things to Consider When Adding a Pool A pool or spa can give you a perfect spot in your backyard to exercise,…kappFebruary 22, 2016
Protect Your Pet During Winter Months Blog Protect Your Pet During Winter Months Make sure your four-footed family members stay safe and warm by following these simple guidelines:…kappJanuary 22, 2016
Q&A With Atlanta Remodeling Consultant Scott Foerst Blog Q&A With Atlanta Remodeling Consultant Scott Foerst Foerst is a remodeling consultant with MOSAIC Group in Atlanta, Georgia. What are the top…kappJanuary 6, 2016
Backyard Oasis for Active Atlanta Family Blog Backyard Oasis for Active Atlanta Family MOSAIC Group recently created this outdoor living retreat for a family of four in Atlanta.…kappDecember 22, 2015
Remodeling? Add “While You’re Here” Projects Blog Remodeling? Add “While You’re Here” Projects Home renovations can be disruptive and chaotic. But while you’re coping with the confusion and…kappDecember 14, 2015
Cold Weather on the Horizon? Blog Cold Weather on the Horizon? A colder than average winter may be on the horizon for portions of the Southwest,…kappNovember 23, 2015
Constructing a new Deck? Hire a Pro Blog Constructing a new Deck? Hire a Pro Here are some reasons why you'll want to hire a professional to construct a new…kappOctober 1, 2015